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How to Make it as a First-Time Entrepreneur

Yipit Looking for Experienced Sys. Admin Consultant

January 15, 2009 | Comments Off on Yipit Looking for Experienced Sys. Admin Consultant

Yipit is looking for help from an experienced system architect / server admin / web developer. The work will be on a consultant / freelance basis where we pay an hourly rate. We need you to be in / around New York and to come to our offices (Midtown East or, more affectionately, Turtle Bay).

This is perfect for someone who has some extra time on their hands or is looking to make some extra money and wants to help a young, excited start-up team in New York.

What we can do for you?

  • Pay you real money
  • Pay you on an hourly basis
  • Give you flexible work times
  • Be fun, smart and motivated people to work with

What do we need help doing?

  • Setting up a site to run on Amazon’s Web Services (EC2, S3, SimpleDB)
  • Setting up development, testing and production environments
  • Setting up the environments to be able to run Python / Django
  • Setting up a dependable back-up system for our code and data
  • Helping us think through scalability issues in terms of database design and server architecture

We are looking for a smart individual to help us do this in person and to teach / explain what he/she is doing. We are quick, attentive learners and promise not to be annoying.

Who are we?

I keep saying we because I’m speaking on behalf of the Yipit team but you will be only working with me. My name is Vinicius Vacanti and I’m a co-founder of, a new New York local search engine. Our prototype is live and we have been very encouraged by its performance so far. Consequently, we are currently gearing up to release a city-wide version in 2009.

For more information about Yipit, please visit Yipit or the Yipit Blog.

For more information about me, please visit my blog, my linkedin profile or my twitter account.


Please let us know what you would like your hourly rate to be. We would like you to get paid whatever amount makes you think the job is a worthwhile expenditure of your time.

If you are interested or know someone who might be, we would love to talk to you. Please comment below or email me at vin at yipit dot com

Not that you need to be bribed, but if you suggest the person we end up choosing, we would love to buy you lunch at Shake Shack (or other lunch place of your choice) to express our gratitude. If you are the candidate and contact us directly, we would be happy to buy you lunch.

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